Mixed Media

A few weeks ago I took another Mixed Media class at the garden. It was a 3 hour class and I wasn’t that impressed with what we did, (although I did screw up). It could have been because the time constraints of the class that the project was easy, ( again I screwed up). Here […]

Pool Lift

A couple of weeks ago, (4th of July week) we stayed at our home in Wilmington, North Carolina. We were on a mission to buy furniture. I wanted to spend time in the pool. Needless to say, all week was spent furniture shopping. On Friday, (we were leaving the next day) I finally got to […]

“No One is Above the Law,” …..except the rich

“I’m so tired and feeling so upset,” * I’m ready to accept defeat. Keeping up with politics is exhausting. The latest is that the judge, Aileen Cannon, a Trump appointeee, shockingly has dismissed the charges against him, (probably one of the strongest cases), in the mishandling of classified documents in Florida. Another case that we […]

Feral Kitties

For a couple of years now we’ve had feral cats show up on our deck. The first one was black with beautiful green eyes and very small. I gave him/her some food and they came back daily. I tried to get the cat to trust me. I sat in a chair right next to the […]