Everything is Beautiful

I love this time of year. Everywhere I look I see signs of life. The lilies, iris’s, and clematis are greening up, as are the hydrangeas. The columbine is perking up getting ready to bloom. The goldenrod, and coneflowers are peeking through, even the hosta’s are breaking ground. The first batches of daffodils are in […]

Lazy Daze II

Today for some reason I’ve snapped out of it. Yesterday I couldn’t bring myself to do anything. The issues that have kept me down are still there. I was so defeated the other day by writing that I just couldn’t address anything else. It all comes down to laziness on my part. I don’t know […]

Lazy Daze

This is how I would describe myself the past few days. I have a lot on my mind, (what else is new) but I also have no motivation to accomplish anything. I’m feeling lonely and very confused , I’m doubting myself and my feelings. By that I mean feeling justified on how I feel about […]