Pool Lift

A couple of weeks ago, (4th of July week) we stayed at our home in Wilmington, North Carolina. We were on a mission to buy furniture. I wanted to spend time in the pool. Needless to say, all week was spent furniture shopping. On Friday, (we were leaving the next day) I finally got to […]

“No One is Above the Law,” …..except the rich

“I’m so tired and feeling so upset,” * I’m ready to accept defeat. Keeping up with politics is exhausting. The latest is that the judge, Aileen Cannon, a Trump appointeee, shockingly has dismissed the charges against him, (probably one of the strongest cases), in the mishandling of classified documents in Florida. Another case that we […]

Feral Kitties

For a couple of years now we’ve had feral cats show up on our deck. The first one was black with beautiful green eyes and very small. I gave him/her some food and they came back daily. I tried to get the cat to trust me. I sat in a chair right next to the […]

Physical Therapy II

When I returned to physical therapy the following week there was a complete attitude change. My PT, Jessica, addressed my concerns about strengthening my core to hopefully stand up straighter. I was given printouts of stretches and exercises to do daily, (see below). She stated that because of the arthritis in my hips, it might […]

Back in the Garden

I finally was able to go back and start some work in my big perennial garden. I lost so much time being away for most of May. It has been too hot to go outside. We went out two evenings ago and worked together getting the bed ready for mulching. This includes weeding, (mostly small […]