The new round of pain came two days ago. On Friday we left VA to drive the four hours to Wilmington, NC. The last hour my neck started throbbing. As the night progressed it got worse. By the time I went to bed I couldn’t turn my head. I could only sleep on my back, not moving my head. I took a Gabapentin 100 mg. as I do every night. I laid awake for hours until I went to sleep in another room. The next day I felt better. My neck still hurts but I can move it.
Today my lower back into my hips. It started as I reached for something and has continued. Now it’s shooting down my right leg, leaving me not able to walk. I stop and try to balance my weight until I feel my leg can support me.
I am 66 years old and have Multiple Sclerosis. Isn’t that enough? In my mind I am so full of life, still in my late 30’s. I am very tired. I try so hard and I’m continually struggling with pain. Every day it seems there are less things I’m able to do. I’m pissed off and frustrated.
I want to be able to move my body without pain