For the past week I’ve been feeling dizzy. My equilibrium is off more than usual. I almost fell getting out of the shower. Luckily I had the safety towel bar to grab onto. Automatically I tense up, feeling like I will fall and I hate that feeling. Each time this happens, I’ve been able to catch myself, but it makes me nervous that I won’t be able to stop falling.
I am also experiencing a weakness in my left arm and hand. I got a tattoo 2 weeks ago on my left shoulder and thought that might have triggered something in my wiring. I know the signs of a heart attack is pain and weakness in your left arm. I am ignoring all of that because I don’t really believe it is one of them. I have had this before.
The third weird thing happening to me is that I feel an electrical shock from my jaw up into my head. It lasts a mere couple of seconds and happens three or four times a day. This I am attributing to my teeth or gums, because that is where it seems to be originating. It doesn’t happen when I’m eating or drinking, just randomly throughout the day.
More wires crossing, I don’t know. With MS you get all kinds of weird feelings that come and go.