
I have 3 blueberry bushes in pots on my deck.  We had a great crop this year. No critters so far.  My husband made a PVC cage with black plastic netting around it.  Last year I came home and found a chipmunk had hanged himself in it trying to get to the blueberries. I felt bad.

So far I got 1 1/2 lbs. of blueberries with more to come!

I spoke too soon. I went out to water the other night and noticed that some blueberries ere all shriveled up. Upon further investigation, I saw Japanese beetles attached to the blueberries and on the leaves. I asked my husband if he would bring out my garden gloves, a container of warm soapy water and Neem. I picked off the beetles and threw them in the soapy water, ( it kills them). When I was done I sprayed the bushes with Neem. This banished the beetles. If it rains reapply.

Neem is a brand name for an organic horticultural oil. I use this for Japanese beetles on roses too, and also on perennials that get powdery mildew, such as Bee Balm, (Monarda), and Garden Phlox. You can buy it in ready to use spray bottles or as a concentrate, which is how I buy it.