Catch up


Time flies.  Here we are back home already.  I have to say going to NY and back is our fastest time yet. 6 hours each way, of course its not during the holidays, which is when we usually drive up.  Visit was very nice.  Every day we spent with my son, girlfriend and new granddaughter!  She is so beautiful and I forgot how much infants sleep.  She slept a lot!

She is sooo tiny. They are not taking enough precautions around her as far as I’m concerned.

People coming and going, I didn’t see too much of washing hands.  I mentioned it to my son and he got all huffy, but later apologized.  They need to take this seriously.  Of course he likes Trump, or so he says, but he says things just to rile me up.

Staying with my cousins was the best!  Maggie was welcomed and loved while we were gone.  They were so supportive and even visited with granddaughter. 

More drama with my daughter, as usual. She got mad because I didn’t tell her we were going.  She hates to be left out of anything, yet when she comes, makes everyone miserable.  We tried to do a FaceTime with all of us, but she didn’t want to.  Such a bitch sometimes.  I was so happy we got to see our grandson, her son.  We could only pull up to his other grandma’s house, and he came up to the car.  We tried multiple times to get him to come with us and meet his new cousin and spend some time with us, but he wouldn’t.  Terrible situation that I blame solely on her and his father. They should never have had kids, the two of them very selfish, and he is paying the price.

Now that I’m home, I have no excuse but to call up Bluehost and get this blog started the right way! Tooth update, still pains if I stop taking pills. Monday I stop pills altogether and if in pain, he’s gonna do yet another root canal!