December 8, 1980

It’s hard to believe that it’s been 46 years since John Lennon was murdered outside his apartment in NY. I woke up to my phone ringing and it was my cousin Lauren crying, “he’s dead.” She repeated it again, “he’s dead.” “Who’s dead, what are you talking about.” She told me that John Lennon was […]

The Rolling Stone’s

Finally, I went to see The Rolling Stone’s! Whatever took me so long, I know, I was too cheap! Never again. The pictures below show how far away we were. They were not bad seats, but I couldn’t see them as close as I needed to be. I was lucky enough to be in the […]

60 Years Ago

This week in February 1964 The Beatles came to America! I don’t remember their arrival at Kennedy Airport, (only in pictures) but I do remember them on The Ed Sullivan Show. I was 6 years old at the time and even though I can’t remember some things, I do have an exact memory of seeing […]

Meet the Beatles

During the week I was suffering from trigeminal neuralgia, my busy mind did came up with random thoughts, as usual. One of these thoughts was, “what was The Beatles first album, was it “Meet the Beatles?” I felt there was one released before “Meet the Beatles.” Anyway, the next day I was reading the paper, […]