Democratic Nat’l Convention

I watched this last night and found it underwhelming. To tell you the truth, I’ve never watched it before so I had nothing to judge it by. Because of the Corona virus it is being held virtually. The main problem I had was that of the commentators. I started with NBC, went to CBS and then ABC. They all had commentators so I wasn’t able to hear everyone that spoke. They only aired important speeches. The keynote, Michelle Obama, Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders and my favorite, John Kasich, a Republican who is voting against his party.

John Kasich was an incumbent in the 2016 presidential election. As we all know Donald Trump won the Republican ticket. Had John Kasich won the ticket I would have voted for him, a Republican, to be president. I did not like, and I still don’t like Hillary Clinton. Actually I’m not a fan of her or her husband, and I know he will be speaking tonight.

So you can see that I am clearly an Independent. Give me a viable candidate and I will vote regardless of party. I don’t understand the loyalty of voting for your party no matter whom may be running. I’ve long thought that we are beyond the 2 party system that we have.

I was raised in a Republican family. My parents are no longer living but I do think they would not have gone for Trump. I lean towards being fiscally conservative. I also believe in global warming and I am for preserving our parks and wildlife, I think the future is clean power and to start adapting and training the next generations to achieve those goals.

Again, is this too idealistic? I don’t think so.