I Wanna, I Wanna…………Blah, blah, blah

Today is Thursday March 24 and it is now 12:40 in the afternoon. It is cloudy and rainy. I won’t be going out in the garden and I’m not volunteering today so what to do, hmmm. I took apart the coffee maker and cleaned, went to clean the air fryer/toaster oven and had no Brillo so I did the best I can. Now what?

  • I would like to read a good book all afternoon like I used to, but these days I fall asleep when I read
  • I need to dust really bad and thought about it, but don’t want to
  • I’d like to write some of my thoughts in here about women and ADHD and an opinion of books published by people, who if they weren’t already famous, would never get published. I don’t want to
  • I want to practice some different stitches on my sewing machine and learn more about it, but I don’t want to
  • I can do a load of laundry, but I don’t feel like it
  • Etc., etc., etc

Most of all I want to do nothing and not feel guilty about it!