I’m so Excited…..

All I can really think about is my granddaughter coming tomorrow for 5 days. I’ve been buying things; a Mickey Mouse bouncing ball, regular size, an big plastic egg filled with small toys and crayons and stickers. bracelets, (she knows me as always wearing bracelets, and wanting to wear mine so I bought her some of her own) I’m thinking that she will still want to wear mine, and always clothes, clothes and more clothes. It is so easy to buy for a little girl, too many cute things! She will be two in May and I don’t want to get her a candy basket. We’re also going to have an Easter egg hunt.

I wouldn’t be me without worrying about them driving here safely and back home again, so that thought keeps coming into my brain and I try to push it out and move on. I also worry about her not liking me, aaah! Nighttime is the hardest to push it away. Speaking of sleeping, I have been getting up before 5 am and falling back asleep around 6.

That is all I’m writing today. There as always, is other stuff going on that will be on the back burner until I’m alone again, (without family)