This is the third day that I’ve not been feeling good. On Wednesday I was back to volunteering at the garden and it felt good. On Thursday I woke up feeling exhausted and had a hard time getting out of bed, although I slept good. My yearly mammogram was scheduled for 10 am and I just couldn’t get myself together. The forecast was rain and I was stressing about getting from the car to the entrance, either in the wheelchair, or preferably using the walker in the rain. I called to reschedule for this coming Thursday. The rain held out and I could have gone, but I had no energy.
I woke up on Friday a little late, and again after sleeping soundly, had a hard time getting out of bed. I had to volunteer, and again, wasn’t myself. I did go out into the garden around 5 pm and weeded and cleaned up for an hour. I was looking forward to this morning, when I didn’t have to be anywhere and I could stay in bed. Well what do you think happened? I went to bed around 12:30 and was up at 4:30 am. The morning I could sleep, didn’t work out.
I’m hoping that this tiredness and weakness in my legs will get better each day I wake up. P is away, he left Sunday for Johannesburg, Africa. I look forward to this time alone and after our trip to NY I really need it. I made a list of things to accomplish and so far I’m doing ok. I’d like to get out in the yard again since this weather is fabulous, 60’s/70’s.