Indoor Plants

I have always had indoor plants. When I was 18 and had my first apartment was when I started. At that time hanging plants with macrame hangers were “the thing.”

Right now I have about eleven, four Peace Lilies, a Gerber Daisy, Pothos, and some Cactus. A couple of years ago I started naming them. It’s a slow process, I only name them when a name “comes to mind,” so far I’ve named only three.

Judy Bloom, I bought this Gerber Daisy, dying in Home Depot for 3 dollars 4 years ago. It’s bloomed every year except last year and for the first time there are 3 blooms. I just named her.

Bobby Plant, a Peace Lily was the first name I picked. It speaks for itself, except this one is very needy, (lots of water).

Slash is my biggest plant, I don’t know the name of the plant. It is over 7’ tall and again, because of the sharp leaves is how it got its name.

If the name fits I’ll use some reference to rock n’ roll.