John Lewis

This morning I watched some of John Lewis’ funeral. I didn’t tune in purposely to watch it, it interrupted regular programming. After hearing so much about his life the past couple of days, I felt he deserved the honor that he received in his death. It struck me that when he knew he was close to death, he sent a letter the the NY Times editorial page relating his thanks and still teaching valuable lessons that he tried to spread throughout his life. Hope, patience, love and equality for all. He applauded peaceful demonstrations and preached about accomplishing goals with no violence.

I’m amazed that this man who was treated so violently and unfairly throughout his life, held no resentment or animosity. He dedicated his life to fighting the good fight, or “good trouble,” as he would say. Accomplishing this through peaceful means alongside Martin Luther King, Jr. Even after MLK was shot and killed, he continued his peaceful fight. He is a much better human being than me.

He took action by fighting the odds and becoming a congressman and spent his entire life in service to his people, all people. I admire him and selfless people like him that I am so grateful and thank God for him and others to be put on this earth. A bright light amid so much negativity. He entered politics for all the right reasons and stuck to his message.