“I’m very healthy, I just have MS”
I have quoted this for years. Even as a child, I was rarely sick. Now at 65, things have changed.
I’ve been thinking about the different illnesses that have kept me down and they all have something in common.
“Ice Pick Headaches,”. I have had these for years. They are infrequent and come with no warning, usually lasting about a week. Sharp debilitating stabbing pain radiating to different areas of my head. I’ve been to the emergency room for this and medication usually works
“Trigeminal Neuralgia,” As noted this is the latest diagnosis, although I’ve been suffering from this for years. Again, sharp debilitating pains throughout my jaw up through my head. Randomly comes and goes with no warning. Only diagnosed by Google, doctors missed, resolved by medication.
“Hip Pain,” Here I have no definitive diagnosis. Severe debilitating sharp pain shooting through my left hip and legs. So far being resolved with medication.
I say, “living on the edge,” (only so I can use Aerosmith’s song). But really I mean living on the verge. I never know when symptoms will start and I’ve become paranoid of moving certain ways that might trigger the onset of any one of these. All of these symptoms come randomly and all involve severe stabbing pain.