144.6, this has been going on for almost a year. A pound or two down and then up again. Last month I wrote that I stopped eating out of boredom and not eating when I’m not hungry. This month I’ve been trying to not eat anything that has no nurtritional value. That encompasses A LOT of food.
To be clear, hummus has nutritional value, the corn nachos, not so much; Carrot cake no nutritional value, carrots in the cake healthy; see where I’m going? I mention these specifically because that is what Pete brought home and put in front of me. By that, he has physically sat down on the couch with the afore mentioned placed between us. I know, ultimately it is my fault for eating, I know I have no willpower, I do blame him because he knows I’m trying and does not need to eat these in front of me. Last night after dinner, I was perfectly content and he dropped a bag (100 calories) of macadamia nuts on my lap. I ate them. I wasn’t hungry, if he hadn’t done that I would never had eaten them. I have asked him not to bring these things home and if he has to, please don’t eat them in front of me. I must try harder.