Monthly Weigh In – February ’23

I weighed myself on February 7, but haven’t been able to post till now. I did it twice and both times showed 140 lbs. even. I expected it to be more because I am still not watching what I’m eating and continue to gorge. I keep looking for quick fixes such as lipo; a new drug called Ozempic, (which is popular in Hollywood) taking it off script just to lose weight fast. It’s easy to get a prescription on line, although it will run you about a thousand bucks. It’s main use is to control Type 2 diabetes; another weight loss I’ve looked into is Cool Sculpting. Anything, God forbid from exercising and diet.

I feel pretty good as far as my MS symptoms, I have energy and even volunteered 3 days in a row this week. I am not sleeping well, I never do. I fall asleep very easily, I’m usually fighting to keep my eyes open. I wake up anywhere from 3 to 5 am, wide awake and can’t get back to sleep until it is close to when I have to wake up. In that short time I have the wildest (real life) dreams, which make it even harder to get up. Last night I went to sleep around 11:30 pm and woke up at 12:20 am.

My sleep has been like this for years now. At one time I took Ambien, but that didn’t help at all with getting up in the middle of the night. I was on it for years and I weaned myself off of it. I always listen to reasons that contribute to living a shorter life, One being, sitting too much, guilty as charged; another, not getting a full 6-7 hours of sleep at night, again, guilty. I recently heard on The Today Show, (of course) that there is a correlation between poor sleep and poor eating habits. Naturally, being me, (always looking for some excuse) I had to look into that claim.