We’re back home in VA. We drove back on Friday, left NY at 5 am. Thank God it was a smooth ride all the way. Well almost, upon entering Northern Virginia the traffic was stop and go for the last 2 hours. Now I need a vacation of not doing anything and a break from Pete. We did have a nice trip except we were constantly runnning and usually didn’t get back tot he hotel until 10 pm. The first night we didn’t go anywhere because of that horrific ride up. The next night was;
Saturday, Brylee’s Recital: I was so happy that we were able to go and Laura got all 9 of us seats in the front row. She is too adorable. She knew all of her steps, tap and ballet.
Sunday, Cousins night: I previously wrote on this about my bitch of a sister. I regret not getting in a snarky response to her and I wish so much that I had. There was a discussion about Downton Abbey and my sister said that Mary was her favorite character. My cousin Ann said, “she’s such a bitch,” and Patty said, “that’s why I like her.” If I was on the ball I should have responded, “you would.” How perfect that would have been, but I didn’t. Oh well, a missed opportunity.
Monday, We picked up Brylee and went shopping with her and out to lunch. She is so funny, when we went into Dollar Tree, she thought it was a party. I had to look for some cards and she went with Pete and collected everything that she wanted. They met up with me and I nixed a few things, (a giant lollypop, an elf hat that was too big) and bought her the rest. I love listening to her and she has such an imagination which I thoroughly encourage.
Tuesday, Christmas Eve: We drove to Long Island to spend the evening at Pete’s mother’s house with his family. We left earlier than usual, around 11 am. Smooth ride all the way down, even on the LIE. Nice time, I didn’t pig out on Chritmas cookies the way I usually do. We didn’t get back to the hotel until midnight.
Wednesday, Christmas Day: We went over to Bryan and Laura’s around 12:30. Brylee showed me everything Santa brought her. She opened her presents from us, the stocking first. (I have always made the best stockings since my kids were little. I still make Victor a stocking too.) I had custom stockings made for each of them with their names on them. She of course, loved everything. Laura has stockings hung on the chimney but does not fill them. They had made lasagna and it was delicious. Bryan and Laura don’t get dressed up for anything. He at least had decent pants and a shirt on. Laura was in old baggy sweats and sweatshirt with her hair very messy and thrown into a ponytail. It looked and I’m sure it was the way she woke up. At least put some effort into it. No family photos were taken, but of course I have pictures of Brylee who did wear a pretty Christmas dress. My exhusband got the entire family matdching Christmas sweaters, (not ugly ones) last year. One would think they would at least pose for a Christmas card, the very least, a picture. No way. Those sweaters were very expensive. This is what Laura does for a living but doesn’t have the time tohave family Christmas cards made, any photo albums, nothing. Ok I’m done bitching.
Thursday: Hanging out at their home, spending the day watching Elf, playing with Brylee’s new toys and singing Christmas songs. Ate leftovers, and he had also made prime rib. Great relaxing day.
New Year’s Eve: Nothing going on, we’re going to eat leftovers. Tomorrow I’m back volunteering at the garden shop. No big deal here, hasn’t been for over 15 years.