Yesterday my son and his family, including my 4 month old granddaughter left after four wonderful days! It felt so good to have them around, every day waking up and having coffee with them and feeding the baby, holding and kissing her! We actually ate in the dining room, a room, including the formal living room that we never use.
We went out to eat, BBQ, went to Bass Pro Shop, ate there, must have fish taco’s, and went for ice cream sundaes at Brusters! Did you know that on Thursday nights if you bring your own bananas, you get a 3 scoop ice cream sundae with all the fixings for 3 dollars! Now with Covid, you have to show them the bananas and they use their own. We also went to 2 antique malls and they went to Carytown while we watched the baby. It felt so good having people who I can relate and talk to.
My husband was pleasant and enjoyed their company and went everywhere with us. While we were home he found things to keep him busy, new projects that had to be done. We went through my sons baby albums, which was fun and got to see the resemblance between him and the baby. His girlfriend was excited and happy to see his pictures, they were openly affectionate and a pleasure to be around. Which brings me to:
the fact that I would like my husband to be interested in seeing my pictures growing up, any interest at all. I would be interested in his, which is why: My only regret is that I was unable to give my children the example of growing up in an atmosphere of a loving, committed, relationship. They have no example to lead them. I grew up with parents who were committed to each other, worked together for a common goal but with no affection, playfulness or enjoyment of each others company. Funny, that is the relationship I find myself in now, coincidence, I think not!