Perennial Checkup

Wow, I just came inside. It is hot out already!  Supposed to be 95 today.  Maggie has been sleeping in and I wanted to get her out before it got too hot.  We went out at 11.  I was going to go water some potted plants on the deck but she wanted to go out through the garage and would not go without me so I took the golf cart out.  I went to check some natives I planted in the woods; Soloman’s Seal.  It has whitish green bell shaped flowers in April thru June. Then turns into berries, which the birds like but are poisonous to humans.  I did not see any of these but this is the first year and they did take in the native soil, (clay).  It takes part shade to full, which is exactly where they are planted along the edge of the golf cart path. I also checked the Astilbe, a perennial I truly love.  It has feathery fronds when blooming, colors ranging from white, pink, and red.  I have pink and red.  They are not full color yet, but I took the pic because we might be away during their peak.  They are below a crape myrtle and next to variegated Liriope

The lilies all have buds, except for the yellow day lilies, which are blooming.  A lot of the lilies I’ve added and separated and moved around or given away.  They are a very messy perennial and their bloom time is over fast, only the day lilies, “Stella d’ Oro,” repeat blooms,  but the colors are so pretty, I’ll keep them.  Some have started to bloom. There is a rogue Black Eyed Susan that showed up.  I don’t have names for the lilies as they were here when we moved in.