Physical Therapy II

When I returned to physical therapy the following week there was a complete attitude change. My PT, Jessica, addressed my concerns about strengthening my core to hopefully stand up straighter. I was given printouts of stretches and exercises to do daily, (see below). She stated that because of the arthritis in my hips, it might be more difficult.

Pelvic Tilt Supine – I was lifting my butt off the floor and that was wrong. Brace Supine Marching and Quadruped Alternate Arm – these were new to me. I was on my knees in the QAA position but lifting my legs. That was wrong.

Cat-Cow Poses – I have been waking up and doing these stretches in bed for a long time. The stretch feels sooo good. Again, I was adding lifting my legs, which was wrong. From there to the Tall Kneel Hip Extension– This is hard. Finally the hip Flexor/Quad Stretch with Strap. This was the hardest and hurt the most.

I had previously mentioned the bike with the electrical impulses hooked up to your legs. Instead of buying the bike there is a portable option that I can use and regulate the stimulation to contract and relax your muscles. it runs around sixty dollars and is not covered by insurance.