Quick Trip to NY

President’s Day weekend – Left Friday am and came home Tuesday am. Best trip as far as traffic. We took my Highlander, which I was excited about because I can drive it wherever I want (because of the hand controls). We went up so P could help my son finish putting up the cabinets in his kitchen. It ends up I couldn’t go anywhere because all of my time was spent with my granddaughter. No complaints here. I had so much fun with her. She has a wonderful imagination and is my star. She is like me in that she picks up accents very easily.

I was introduced to some new cartoons, such as Peppa Pig, that is from England along with the dogs, I forget their names, but they are also an English cartoon I watched Beauty and the Beast broadway show with live actors featuring Emma Watson, and I loved it.

The cabinets got done, my son cooked twice, the weather was good and all in all a good trip. I did get into a political argument with my son, (not the first), who thinks he knows it all and accuses me of having a closed mind, when his is just as closed, if not more.

I physically felt good, although I did not shower while there, (4 days). Reasons being, I don’t like to get help and also his tub isn’t as clean as I would like it to be. Anyway, I had hoped to go out to lunch with an old friend and I even wanted to stop by my old boyfriends house and say hello.