“White Privilege,” I’ve been reading about that a lot lately. There are multiple examples in the book I am reading, “Americanah,” by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie. I have already talked about the different prejudice between races, countries, demographics, whites against whites, Black Africans against American Blacks. It is endless.
I for one didn’t understand when a child was the product of one white parent and one black, why did they always identify with their black side and not their white. I was the first to say, ” they are just as much white as black.” It was made clear to me in this book. Lets use Barack Obama as an example, as they did. He was raised by his white mother and white grandparents. When you look at him, do you see a white man or a black man? The answer is clear. So is the fact that by being black, he automatically had to overcome prejudice against him. So he is identified as a black man with black hair and skin. That is why.
Another example they gave was a white young man, dirt poor, parents addicted to meth. The question was, “what “white privilege” can this young man possibly have?” The answer came as, both young men are in nice cars, driving around. When pulled over by a policeman, who do you think has a better chance of being treated fairly? That is white privilege.
When you are applying for a job, a white woman need not do much of anything to her hair, Black women are made to conform in order to have a better chance at getting the job. That is white privilege.
I was very affected over the deaths of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and Ahmaud Arbery at the hands of law enforcement. I am affected by all unjust killings. I mention these 3 because of the prolonged protests and the “Black Lives Matter” movement. I thought to myself as a mother, I didn’t have to have “the talk” with my son. “white privilege.” I can clearly see that if I was a black mother that I most certainly would have to have that talk., I would constantly worry about my son being pulled over by the wrong policeman.
I am not a cop hater. On the contrary, they have very difficult jobs. I’ve been friends with cops, I’ve gone out with cops. The toll that job takes on their families is tremendous. They are under a great deal of pressure every day with tgeir family also not knowing if they would be home at the end of a shift.
As with all groups, there are good and bad. I don’t believe in defunding the police but I do believe in added training and having professional mental health experts available to them.