I have a love/hate, no I don’t, I certainly don’t love and I don’t altogether hate social media. Social media boggles my mind. I find it too much to take in. I’m a self titled “phone-o-phobe,” so why would I like people expecting me to quickly reply to a text, and then feel guilty for not checking my phone every hour. It is better than a phone call but it is also sometimes irritating, especially on a group text. I did learn how to turn off notifications.
I joined Facebook years ago, my daughter showed me how. I liked it because it hooked me up with one of my best friends from high school and a cousin that I rarely saw. I found out things that my cousin and me had in common, love of The Beatles and rock’n roll. We shared pictures and I enjoyed seeing school friends and what they were up to. I didn’t friend people just to increase my number. I only friended people that I knew. I posted funny videos, concerts I went to, vacations and rock’n roll videos and articles. I didn’t join groups, again it was too overwhelming. How many hours can I sit there and disappear down a worm hole.
Then came the 2016 presidential election and all that followed. I couldn’t take the hate and the lies. I couldn’t believe so many of the people I went to school with were so prejudiced. It shouldn’t have really surprised me because one of the towns where I grew up was known for not letting black people in and consequences, (fights) if they did. It was rumored that the Klu Klux Clan had been or was still active in the area. This is 40 minutes North of NYC. I never saw or encountered any racial issues in high School. My parents never used any derogatory language towards any race.
Anyway, this is when I was no longer interested in Facebook and I have been gone ever since. With the 2020 election, the posts have only gotten worse, (I’m still alerted) and I am glad that I’m off. I don’t belong to TikTok or Instagram and I don’t want to. Again, I can’t see spending hours on my phone. As a side note, I found a place where I wanted to get my first tattoo and when I called to make an appointment I was told I needed to go to their Instagram page and look at all the artists work and message the one I want and they would get in touch with me. I’m not going to join Instagram just to get a tattoo.