Spring Cleaning, (in the garden)

Yes I know its not spring, but we have been blessed with above average temperatures. I take this as my cue to get outside and start spring cleanup. Every time I drive in or out of the driveway I see all the work that needs to be done. It can be quite overwhelming, that’s why I start as early as I can. Deciding which bed I will tackle is another hard decision. I tend to go tot he biggest and the one that needs the most work. In this case is my big perennial garden in the front.

I went out the other day intending to start at the Peony and work my way around to the Iris and Coneflowers. I leave the old stems and seeds up through the winter for the birds so now its time to take them down. I did make it there, but as usual ran into more work as removing a lot of grass growing in the garden. I don’t know if this is from P seeding in the fall or some other grass, regardless it is a pain in the ass and took some time.

Besides cleaning the bed, there is a ton of work to do. I need to remove yellow Siberian Iris that took over, I know I will put them where there is a lot of water back in the woods, where they can go crazy. I want to dig up some other Iris, pot and leave by the mailbox for others. I need to move a Lavender I planted there and put it in the herb garden, (its too crowded where it is). I need to dig up some of the larger Coneflowers and put them in the back and the smaller ones in front. I need to dig up a very nice groundcover with yellow flowers that bloom all summer up front, (can’t remember their name) For all the digging I need help. I told him and hopefully we can get this done. One other thing, I have Solidago, (which I love) that needs to be dug up and moved.

My small bed with the Crape Myrtle, Liriope(with head), and Helleborus (Lenten Rose) needs a quick pickup. It is right where I park my vehicle so the other day I just took my walker and clippers and cut all the old leaves on the Lenten Rose, (the new growth is blooming) and picked up some sticks. See above