Last Thursday I went to get a shot of steroids in my neck. Unbeknownst to me this was actually a procedure, with preparation; no taking of pain killers for 48 hours before. I had to fill out an online questionaire from the doctors office. I also had to be driven to and from the procedure.
Upon arrival I had to get into a surgical gown, wheeled into another room and moved onto an x-ray table face down. First the doctor injected dye (contrast) so he could see on the x-ray where he would administer the shot. This hurt. I didn’t realize at first these precautions, but upon thinking about it, of course you would want to get this right. This is the top of your spinal cord and it would be of the utmost importance. This didn’t hurt at all. That was it, all done.
I got changed and they wheeled me in a wheelchair out to the car. It was a precaution because you might get dizzy. I was told not to expect relief for a few days and it would be a few weeks before total relief.
Here I am five days later with no relief. My neck is in a lot of pain. Could it be from hours playing games on the laptop and tablet? You would think, but no matter what position my head is in, the pain is there. Just holding my head up is painful. I am taking Gabapentin 100 mg. only before I go to bed. The Rx says 3 times a day but it makes me very tired and I’m tired enough and don’t want to spend my afternoons sleeping.