First day of summer! It’s been rainy here the past couple of days so I haven’t been outside. Plus, I have a new pain. My left knee is swollen and it is harder to walk than usual. Tooth update; I forgot, the dentist told me to stop the pain medication on Sunday, 6/14 and see if I still had pain. Well I haven’t had any shooting pains since! We’’ll give it one more week and hopefully I will still be painless. So I got rid of one pain and another one popped up, like “whack a mole.” This one is much more livable except I can’t go out and kneel to garden.
The temperature this week will be in the 90’s, that sucks for me.
Yesterday I had my hair cut and colored, courtesy of my husband. He took me to the guy who does his hair. I had a good 3-4” of gray coming in and was debating letting it all go gray. I thought of just dying it that pretty gray that the younger generation is using. Unfortunately I was told because my natural color is a medium brown, I would need to lighten my hair a lot first. He highlighted my whole head very blond. Then he said we can slowly transition to gray.I brought a picture of the cut I wanted, a long shag. Again I was told my hair was too thick for that style. The haircut is nothing like any of the pictures. He cut off more than I wanted. The good part is if I want to let it dry natural the curls are really nice. I think it kind of looks to old lady to me, but hair grows and I have to see how I look flat ironed. The blond doesn’t look too bad. I get no input from my husband, just says it looks nice, blah, blah, blah.