I have finally watched all three episodes. I had done this before Christmas. I am ashamed of myself for several issues regarding this movie:
- The fact that it took me so long to watch all the episodes. This is because the circumstances have to all be right, (in my mind). That includes no one else is to be around to interrupt, and absolutely no distractions.
- My ignorance in watching the first episode and thinking it was boring and then feeling horrible that I thought it was boring.
- I had to read reviews of the movie to understand that they were actually writing the songs and that is why is so repetitive. Its hard for me, Beatle lover that I am to not realize what they were doing.
- Finally, that I am just now writing down my feelings about this history making movie.
Anyhow, the next two episodes I watched I was mesmerized by everything that was happening. It was fun to see them fooling around, it brought back memories of A Hard Days Night, their personalities and comments. Knowing the history of their breakup and watching all the different situations, including George’s walk out was so riveting.
The final episode was awe inspiring to me. I’ve seen the video of them on the roof top many times before but this time was different. Having all that prior video footage gave so much more meaning to the performance. I have that strange feeling in my gut that I can’t explain, by allowing their performance to fully envelop me, I’m in awe and so appreciative of their gift. You could say, the gift that keeps on giving, being how old this footage is, yet new to us
. I have to thank Peter Jackson for taking on this project and sharing it with us
I heard this morning that Peter Jackson is releasing the concert on the roof to theaters in IMAX. I will go even if I have to go alone!