Trip on


Today is going to be 95, agh, too hot, too soon.  It is very ironic to me that before I had MS, it was never too hot for me, ever!  I thrived in the heat, I was in my element at the beach, (I am a water sign).  Water anywhere around me and I was in it.  I’ve swam in places with snakes, (a teenager), now I never would!  In the Hudson River, I still would, lakes, pools, and of course the ocean.  I miss the ocean sooooo much.  Walking in the surf, feeling the sand beneath my toes.

I’ve been at the ocean very few times.  It is just too hot!  My whole body shuts down in the heat. Eventually I would like to try the beach wheelchairs!

Tooth update: Still have pain! Yesterday I went to new office that could fit me in. Dentist was nice, took more X-rays and didn’t find anything.  She suggested I go to an endodontist, a root canal specialist.  They could get me an appointment the following day, guess where?  My dentist office, the original place I’ve been going too!  Why didn’t they suggest that when they couldn’t fit me in?  Anyway I went yesterday.  Liked him very much, they did a CT scan, which would show if there was a hidden nerve, cracked tooth, or everything the X-ray wouldn’t.

Guess what, I’m an “enigma.”  Yup, couldn’t find anything but a small gap that could be the problem, but he didn’t know.  Put me on 800 mg of Ibuprofen, 3x a day, not stopping.  I was taking that but only when desperate. So its working, except this morning before I took it, still shooting pains.  I’m almost ready for my 2nd dose.  He’s gonna call tomorrow and we’ll take it from there.  Come pain or no pain, I’m going to NY on Saturday to meet my new granddaughter!