Lately I have been asking myself this very question. Watching the news last night, about Trump’s latest rally in Georgia. You would think at this point there is nothing that surprises me about this presidency. HOW WRONG! As he goes on, yet again, proclaiming that this election was stolen from him and the massive fraud that has occurred, I am again stunned. I am stunned on a number of different fronts.
The first being the obvious. Lies. How can the President of our United States of America get away with blatantly continuing these lies of conspiracy and fraud. What is also stunning to me is the lack of outrage that most of the Republican party doesn’t condemn this false narrative and outright denial that this was an honest election. When is this party going to put our COUNTRY BEFORE PARTY!!!!
The second shocking part of this for me is the masses of people who believe Trump and his rhetoric. His plan was very obvious and manipulative from the beginning of this election year. He has constantly drilled into his followers that the only possible reason for his loss would be a conspiracy against him and massive fraud. So by the time the election came around there was already a mindset.
Another bothersome detail is that if anyone, Republican or Democrat. disagree with Trump, they are targeted, bullied and ultimately fired. These unfortunate souls are also dodging serious death threats. People with no experience, just the fact that they are Trump loyalists, are put in powerful positions. Why for every job created in the United States, there is some level of requirements needed, yet not for the President of the United States or leaders of the economy, environment, education, defense? Seriously????
Next, the scariest part to me, is the disconnect between people, citizens. There seems to be no room for compromise. I willfully admit that I am one who will never compromise my belief that Trump is a sociopath and a very dangerous man for our democracy. I have conflicting thoughts on one of the basic tenets of democracy. Freedom of Speech. There are no standards where this can be applied. No where does it say our politicians have to be honest, they are human after all. How much dissent and lies, alternative truths, (gotta love that one) is going to be enough? Will it ever? Is this the beginning of the end?
It takes great courage to stand up to tyranny and it also takes a united front of people, citizens of this country to believe in a better, more honest society that can benefit all. Again, idealism sets in. Are we headed for another war within this country? Do we have the guts to stand up and fight for truth in government? Isn’t that what the early leaders of our country were fighting for in establishing a democracy? Is it time to end the two party system?
Obviously I don’t have the answers. I think back when there were other instances of what seemed at the time, upheaval of our democracy, ie; the McCarthy years, Nixon, civil rights, (still fighting for) Vietnam. I only mention these because they are in my lifetime. We’ve moved on no worse for the wear. Can I go back to my early 20’s and not pay attention to politics, not have it affect me? Do I have so little of a life that I have become all consumed with politics? Nix that one. I just don’t want to care as much as I do and stop this feeling of helplessness and despair.