VP Pick, Kamala Harris

Well Joe Biden finally made his choice. It is not the choice I wanted. Who I wanted had removed herself awhile ago, Amy Klobuchar. I felt Kamala Harris was too progressive and would hurt Biden’s chances. I wanted a more moderate. The choice is made and I will support them. She is definitely a fighter and I liked her line of questioning during the Kavanaugh hearings and also her questions for William Barr.

Upon hearing this Trump remarked at how nasty she was. If that isn’t the pot calling the kettle black. There is no one nastier than him. Before that when asked if Biden chose Harris, his response was that it was a good choice. As usual he is all over the place.

Again we are told that Kamala Harris is a black woman. This is something I haven’t understood for awhile now. Her mother is Indian and her father is black. Barack Obama’s mother is white and father is black, Alicia Keyes mother is white and father is black, Lenny Kravitz mother is black and father is white. Why do they relate more to being of one race over the other? I’m not joking around , I want to know.

Is it because they are black with black features? That I can understand. Alicia Keyes is very close to her mother and always gives her alot of credit, so does Barack Obama. Kamala says she learned so much of being an independent strong black woman from her mother.

I just don’t get why they are denying, or not specifically denying, but also not claiming their white heritage too.