Welcome Cooler Weather

The other day when I woke up it was 68 degrees outside. Finally, I decided to get dressed and get outside while the temperature was cool. I didn’t eat breakfast or brush my teeth, my goal was to be outside by 8:30, I made it out by 9:00, not too bad. I did have my coffee and therefore I waited until I peed before I went outside.

I wanted to work in the front perennial garden. I had been looking out the window and seeing all the weeds and mess left by the lilies. I was going to try and finish my bottle border, but the weeds were calling. The Coneflowers were mostly spent, but I leave the heads on for the birds to eat the seed and hopefully spread some. I was able to clean up the iris and lilies. I dug up some small Coneflowers that were coming up in the grass and move them. I got 3/4 of the bed done and then there was no more shade in that garden and had to move on.

Next I went to the part sun/shade garden with the waterfall. I weeded and pulled up a lot of Lamb’s Ear. That always needs to be controlled. I cleaned up the Columbine, lilies, and cut some dead branches off the Azaleas. Again, I made it 3/4 through that garden and I couldn’t do anymore, plus I had to pee. The time was 12:15, I was out there 3 1/2 hours! Although there is always more to do, I was very happy with what I had accomplished. Nevertheless I did lay down and sleep in the afternoon. Those are the choices when you have MS. Work your ass off and then rest.

I had planned to go out this morning, but I had to weigh everything I needed to do today and I opted to stay in and get the work done inside. My son, his girlfriend, my new granddaughter, and daughter are coming this Thursday for a long weekend so I had to finish some projects inside.

On another note: I had received an email from the Extension Agent, who runs the Master Gardener Program, saying the instructions for the Helpline were missing from the book and asking if I had another copy. I have been in charge of the Horticultural Helpline for the past 5 years. I emailed back that I would look and also told him that at the next board meeting if they could look for a new volunteer to take over the Helpline. If you reference Gardening Background in this blog, you can see the history of me and Master Gardening.

My interest in staying a Master Gardener has waned in the past few years, as explained above. In this particular instance, I feel even more justified. This agent who I’ve worked with since he began, 6 years ago, did not question why I wanted to leave the position, or ask if everything was okay, he hadn’t seen me , (besides lock down with Corona virus) in almost a year. He is fully aware that I have MS, yet not even a question about how I’m feeling. That is shocking to me. It seems they go out of their way to find new members and do nothing to keep the members they already have, (I’m not the only one, many more have dropped off). I am very sad and hurt by it.

By the way, if I can’t make one shift at the botanical gardens, I get multiple calls from staff that are concerned. I am happy and grateful that I’ve found this outlet.