Finally the weather has broke and we’ve had a few cooler days. I’ve been able to get out in the garden for a couple of mornings and was able to weed and clean up the front perennial garden. The wiregrass, (which I’m constantly trying to eradicate), again found its way into the garden. I also cleaned up the Iris and Lilies, took down chicken wire around individual plants and decided to put it around the entire garden. I figured that would leave the plants open to spread easier.
I saw a couple of random Cosmos that had come up from all the seeds I scattered. I noticed that some of the Azaleas were reblooming and the Salvias were going strong with lots of large bees pollinating. The Goldenrod was just starting to bud, (one of my favorites). The Hosta were blooming in the two shade gardens and the the Crape Myrtles along the driveway are in full bloom. The Sedum around the light pole are also blooming. A new bloomer at this time of year is the Variegated Liriope, (another one I love and feel it is underrated.) I took some pictures as you can see below. I snuck in one of a little green frog that is on the inside of a tube we use to keep the squirrels away from the suet feeder. When I ride my bicycle he seems to be a daily visitor,
Sedum Salvia with some False Sunflowers Hosta Hosta Variegated Liriope Crape Myrtle Goldenrod Reblooming Azaleas with Cleome and Goldenrod in background A Daily visitor