Since my physical, 2 weeks ago, I have been trying to schedule my yearly mammogram. Easy, right? Let me tell you. I called right away, (Bon Secours), and after 15 minutes was connected. Person on phone took all of my information including medical coverage ID numbers and all. I was on hold while she looked for an appointment. Disconnected.
Called again and this time, I requested a call back so I wouldn’t have to sit on phone. Another person called me back and said that she saw my Rx but they required a sonogram with the mammogram. I’ve been to this same place 3 years in a row, and this has never happened. Oh well, I said, “should I call again tomorrow while I call my doctor”? She said they will call the doctor and to wait 2 days. I called my doctor anyway, (they never received call from Bon Secours).
Two days later I call again and do the call back thing. We’re getting ready for a quick trip to NC and luckily they called before we left. I pick up, “hello, ???, hello? No one there. We were gone overnight.
The following day I called again. Wait, also during this time I am being inundated with texts and emails saying they received my Rx’s and to please call for an appointment. Soo, back to this latest call. Another person calls back and I explain to her, what I’ve been dealing with. She apologized and we went back and forth on whether I needed the sonogram or not. Guess what, disconnected again!
Okay, again I call and ask for a call back, wondering why, no one is returning my call after we’re cut off, (they all asked for my phone #). This time the last person did call me back. She said I didn’t need the sonogram and proceeded to schedule an appointment for me. As soon as she did, we were disconnected again. I have more questions and right now I am fed up and I’ll wait to call again, (at least this time I got an appointment!)