All Hail to the US of A

We are continuing to exit Afghanistan. We are leaving these people exactly how we found them. All these years and so little progress achieved and now it’s time to go home. As we exit, the Taliban is celebrating and reclaiming territory. Under our watch girls were back to school getting educated, the Afghani forces that we supplied with weapons and trained, are laying down those weapons and giving up to the Taliban. Both of these are horrible. On top of that, the Afghans that we hired to assist us, at great risk for themselves and their families, because they were told they would be able to come to America, are being left behind. Beyond horrible! I read that there is a backup of paperwork causing this, amongst other non sensical reasons. This is unacceptable. Just like we did in Syria, when we left, the doors opened up for more brutalities against the refugees and the forces that helped us.

I watched Ken Burns documentary on Vietnam, I’ve read about the Korean War, we just don’t learn. Can you tell me who won those wars? Was it because of our “help”? No, we just keep repeating the same mistakes, leaving the dead in our wake. Our soldiers are scarred for life and many innocents die. Our soldiers feel bad about leaving the Afghans behind, but there is nothing they can do. It’s in the hands of the politicians and we all know how they get things done.

As we celebrate the Fourth of July this weekend, I’m not feeling very celebratory.