Groundhog Day

Since Corona virus it seems that most people are experiencing, “Groundhog Day,” where every day runs into the next and it is hard for them to resolve themselves to this “new life.” I live Grounndhog Day every day and have been for awhile. I am a creature of habit and I like things to be […]

“I’m So Tired”

I haven’t been able to write because I’ve been busy or sleeping. I’m back to volunteering at the gift shop, yeah! The heat in VA has set in for the rest of the summer so unless I volunteer, I’ll be a prisoner. Well also the Corona virus cases are going up. For a few weeks […]

Mind Full

Wow, what a weekend! I woke up this morning sooo achy, my back was killing me. Once I get up and move around I’m ok. My husband was home and spent the whole weekend working on his trailer and tractor to sell, (this is the 2nd weekend). Sometimes I feel more alone when he’s here […]

Hot, hot, hot

Another day in the 90’s. Nobody should live in the south without a pool or ocean nearby. I’m happy to say that I have been posting everything I had in a word document for this blog in the appropriate categories thanks to help from Bluesky Pro. I can’t call till Monday due to holiday weekend. […]