Monthly Weigh In – March 2024
143.2 lbs., thought it would be more.
Gardening, music, life with MS
143.2 lbs., thought it would be more.
This past weekend I went to Greenfront Furniture, located in Farmville, Virginia. It’s a place that’s well known for their furniture showrooms from manufacturers here in the US and abroad. They are all together in large old brick warehouses dating back to before or around the Civil War, multiple buildings with multiple floors. It’s kind […]
President’s Day weekend we decided to go to our new home in NC. We left Friday after I got home from the garden. I have to say it is very nice not having to stay at a hotel anymore. Our plan was to go buy a washer and dryer, get some curtain rods and hang […]
I finally had my appointment with Dr. Oh at VCU on Thursday the 8th. It happened to be very good timing as I had just gotten over an episode of trigeminal neuralgia and this would be the first time I can discuss it with him. He did apologize and said that he couldn’t vbelieve I’ve […]
This month I weighed in a 143 lbs. even. I was hoping it would be less, being that I went an entire week living on soup and oatmeal. I felt it in my body and the way my clothes fit that I didn’t lose anything.
I have figured out how to bypass inserting pictures on my laptop by posting on my iPad where the pictures already are. I hope this works. Here are the before and after pictures I needed to post. My eyes are a lot more open, chin, neck and cheeks much smoother. I’m very happy with the […]
On Friday, my prescription was finally ready. My neurologist had called in Oxcarbazepine 150 mg. The dose was 2 tablets twice a day as needed for pain. I picked it up around 12:30 in the afternoon and took the first dose. I was still using the Ora Gel. It made me very sleepy, but the […]
Sources for the information below are from the Mayo Clinic and other certified medical websites when I googled , “severe facial pain” ” Trigeminal neuralgia is sudden, severe facial pain (affecting the face). It’s often described as a sharp shooting pain or like having an electric shock in the jaw, teeth or gums. ” Causes […]
That is how I’m feeling. Everything seems overwhelming to me. I can’t make any important decisions concerning what I want. I used to be so good at wanting something and going after it. Now everything seems like too much trouble. I feel like I’m lazy. Pete is gone for 2 days and all I’ve done […]
Watching The Today Show last week, like I always do, they had a lady on, (famous, can’t think of her name and I don’t want to look it up……which is the whole problem here). Anyway, she had 5 questions that you should ask yourself. I didn’t get past the first one. “What do you want?” […]