December – I Lost the Whole Month

Today is December 29, 2021. I have not been in a position to write any entries until now. Even so, I’m finding it hard to catch up. December is usually a very busy time, with shopping, wrapping, Christmas cards, and traveling. This month I also participated in my first craft fair, (separate post), watched the new Peter Jackson movie, “Get Back,” (another separate post). These posts, in the categories of Crafts and Music respectively, still need to be written. We also attended “Gardenfest of Lights” at Lewis Ginter Botanical Gardens, which we hadn’t done since we moved here, 12 years ago.

I’m sure my feelings were all over the place, the usual, not feeling loved, alone, missing my new granddaughter growing, frustration at all of it. I had my 2nd infusion of Ocrevus, along with my six month checkup with my MS doctor, Dr. Oh