I’ve Been Busy

One of the reasons I haven’t entered any new posts is because I got very discouraged after my article, “Gardening with MS” was published in Brain and Life, August/September. I was hoping it would bring traffic to this blog and I could interact with others dealing with MS. The article did attract readers and nice comments, which I answered and never heard anything back again. It might be my mistake that there is not away for several people to discuss a certain topic, bck and forth. This might be the wrong forum.

Being busy is a good thing, because I have been accomplishing things I needed to take care of. I think the fact that P has been traveling a lot helps me, knowing that I won’t be interrupted. The other reason is that I have been stymied writing this blog because of my procrastination on downloading pictures from my phone into new folders and resizing so that I can post. I was overwhelmed by the thought of doing it wrong and I was afraid I would fail

I bit the bullet last week and started a new folder, Gardening 2022, and resized and put everything in it so now I have great pictures to post! I was able to do it without problems except that it took a lot of time. I felt encouraged and started another new folder for my granddaughter for 2022. As I was checking pictures to download I realized there were a lot from 2021. The amount came to 242. As I pressed the button to download, the screen disappeared and came back saying to chose the pictures I wanted to download, WHAT! It had taken me over an hour so at the=at point, I got up and walked away. Yesterday I went back and checked the folder for her for 2021 and there were only 4 pictures, so I downloaded all of the 2021 and put into the right folder. One step at a time.

I went to the movies with my friends from the garden shop and saw “Tickets to Paradise,” with George Clooney and Julia Roberts. What a fun movie, and a great distraction from politics. I have had very long phone calls with my daughter and cousin, (if you know me, I am a self declared “phone-a-phob) I hate talking on the phone, so that is a big deal!

I have also removed all the hardware from our kitchen cabinets (they were bright brass), and spray painted them a brushed gold, (which is now in style). Of course I forgot to take a before and after picture, although I did take one after painting. I guess I didn’t download it yet, oh well.

Today I painted the front door. It was a very dark red, that I had previously painted and now I want a bright color. The wreaths and decorations I put on the door weren’t showing, because of the darkness of the door. I ave the first coat of primer done. I have to say it took a lot out of me. I stood for most of it but when it came to the bottom I needed to get down on my knees. I tried and it wasn’t working so I thought to push the office chair out and sit to paint the bottom and it worked!!