Just because Joe Biden won the presidency doesn’t mean things are just peachy. In the past two weeks we’ve had two mass shootings. Of course we’re back to gun control. In my eyes, if the laws didn’t change after the Sandy Hook Elementary School shootings, then I’m not hopeful now. That was in 2012, can you believe it? There have been many more since, (I googled how many mass shootings and couldn’t come up with a definitive number). Biden is trying to enact some changes to gun laws, but without an executive order I don’t think that will be possible.
Another problem that persists is illegal immigration. I do not agree with allowing unaccompanied minors crossing the border in. Why is he doing that? I understand that those trying to escape hunger, violence and no opportunities want to come here and I am not against immigration, but we have to control the numbers. I don’t think the wall is the answer either. C’mon politicians, ever hear of common sense laws, regarding guns and immigration???
That leads to the biggest problem of all, the politicians themselves. We are still divided and have been for a long time. You old white men need to get over yourselves and work for your constituents, not the ones that stand for what you believe in, but for the majority of Americans. This division between the Republicans and Democrats is stifling and getting us nowhere.