Today I’m going to talk about mushrooms. Throughout the years of gardening, I have encountered many different kinds. In NY I had this white protrusion literally erupting out of the ground. At the time I didn’t even know what it was. I told my grandson that it was an alien egg coming up from underground getting ready to hatch. He didn’t believe me. As I watched it grow it came straight up around 5 inches and looked phallic. It was a long time ago and I have pictures somewhere.
This year we have had the most mushrooms since living in VA. When I was weeding last week, (thank God fall is here) there were 2 large mushrooms attached to the base of 2 different azaleas in different beds, (both in the front yard). I started digging them up and scraping off the lower branches. They were white and very heavy.
The 2nd picture shows clumps of brown mushrooms growing in a wet, shady area that has a lot of moss.