I have two doctors, one is my neurologist and then my primary care doctor. They are becoming harder and harder to see.
My neurologist, Dr. Oh, works out of VCU, (Virginia Commonwealth University). This is not an official MS Center, he happens to specialize in MS studies and patients. I have been seeing him for about 12 years. I like him, I think he is very thorough and answers all of my questions. I am up to date about new therapies and medicines that are coming on the market and he knows about them. My problem with him stems from not being able to get an appointment with him for only twice a year. That’s all I see him. When I go, I make an appointment six months in advance, only to be called up and have that appointment cancelled and not rescheduled for almost a year later, (that’s all we have). I’m getting pissed off because this has happened four years in a row. The only way to contact him is through those damn portals and even then the nurses don’t get it right.
My primary care physician, Helen Adams, out of VA Physicians in Innsbrook. I see her once a year for my physical and if I happen to get sick during the year. I like her, I find her very nice and thorough and answers all of my questions. The past two times I have called and tried to see her, I couldn’t. The first time I saw another doctor in the group and was not happy, (I wrote about this in a previous post). The next time I had to see the nurse practitioner, because Dr. Adams wasn’t available for a couple of weeks, (which if your sick, you’re not going to wait for, “a couple of weeks”). I have to mention that a few years ago this practice started what they call a “concierge service,” which you pay for. This guarantees that you will be able to see your doctor. Like they don’t make enough money. Needless to say this pisses me off too.
On the other hand I am grateful that I have good insurance, (through my husband), and it is not a hardship to get the these doctors.