My sister. She is 9 years older than me and my only sister. She told me from a very early age that “we can never be close because of the difference in our age.” Very hurtful, as she has been my entire life. I have friends older than she is. The same time she said this I had a friend who’s sister was the same age difference and who was so much fun and included her in her life.
Anyway, her latest, after the Christmas half assed invitation, is this week. Her birthday is on Thursday, the 16th. I texted her on Saturday to get her new address, so that I can send a card. I only know that she moved from my favorite cousin C. I’ve gotten no response, so therefore no card will be sent. I usually call her every year on her birthday and sing “Happy Birthday.” I don’t want to because it would be phony.
I have tried in the past to tell her how I feel. I wrote what I thought was a heartfelt letter years ago. Well her response was no response, except to stop talking to me. That went on for over a year. She is like my mother in that her way is to ignore any conflict, and she is also very cold as my mother was. This would be the last thing she would ever want to hear as she HATED my mother! I never expressed this to her either for her to resent me even more.
I had to get this out as once again, I’m very hurt. I don’t know why any of this surprises me, it doesn’t. I just have to accept that this is the relationship, or in this case, no relationship.