Leaving to drive down to NC to look at more communities and houses for sale, again. Early in the drive I got in an argument with P, (husband). First let me say that I’m a pain in the ass to drive with. I get startled easy, I don’t like tailgating, I curse ALOT at other drivers and am always telling P to pass and what lane is clear. I’m tired of driving everywhere, (only because of traffic and stupid people who clog up the passing lane). I’m all for pushing 80/82 mph. Anyway he got mad and yelled at me.. He really is patient and it is unusual for him to yell. I yelled back and crawled into my Cancer shell, determined not to speak to him for the whole ride down.
As I was stewing and not talking, I started getting into the songs that were being played on the radio, sirius XM, Classic Rock. I don’t remember the songs, (it was over a week ago), but each one brought me back to fun memories and I started to get depressed and I texted my cousin, L, “My memories are all I have.” She responded that the statement was very profound and asked me what brought it on and I told her.
I have been feeling like that, as I’ve written about in previous posts. Here I was heading to NC with someone I didn’t love and who didn’t love me. I’m probably going to buy another house with this man and don’t know why. There is nothing fun about traveling with him, when God made him he left out the fun gene, and I got an extra amount,
By the way, I did very good not speaking to him.