I’m so grateful that I can plant whatever I want here in VA. In NY we had deer and a groundhog. Here my only nemesis is rabbits. I don’t hate them, I think they are very cute. In fact once when I was thinning out the Thyme, I came across a little hole with babies. I quickly apologized and covered them back up! Another time I found the babies in a hole right outside the dining room window among the foundation plants. Anyway, the only way I’ve found to thwart them is to put up a low chicken wire fence.
We have it around the vegetable garden, it was more to keep Maggie out, (she loved to steal peppers and tomatoes). Now I use it wherever I have perennials planted. It seems they enjoy newly planted leaves. I’ve had it around the Coneflowers for a few years, this year I had to put it around a new Coneflower that I just planted, (just leaves) and the bargain Sunflowers I told you about, after they decimated the leaves. You can see the before and after pictures below. I also had a stray Black Eyed Susan coming up in front of the Liriope in the head planter, (also below). I wasn’t fast enough, I didn’t think they would munch on the Sunflowers, but I did press my luck with the Black Eyed Susan’s. Last week I put the chicken wire around them too.
Also below are the latest “What’s Blooming,” such as Cleome, (the leaves look just like pot leaves), full bloom of different Coneflowers, False Sunflowers, BeeBalm, and some of the Hostas.
Newly planted Sunflowers After the rabbit, notice the fence Black Eyed Susan after eaten Bee Balm, (Monarda} False Sunflower Fenced in Coneflowrers Hosta Cleome