Simple ain’t so simple


I would love to be able to get up and just slip into a pair of flip flops!  This isn’t possible for several reasons;  my feet are always ice cold, even if they feel warm to the touch, I feel cold; most important is that it takes more physical effort to walk in flip flops and when you have MS you have to reserve energy any way you can.  Besides there is also no support and therefore it makes it easier to trip and fall. So you might think, “ you can wear sandals with support.” It’s not that easy. Sometimes if its too hot my feet will swell up, regardless of what I’m wearing.

Believe it or not, I’m not complaining. I am trying to point out all the little things in my life that MS effects and hopefully be relatable to others who experience the same symptoms.  When you are healthy, you take so much for granted.  When I see people running, walking, dancing, etc., I want to shout “how lucky you are!” Celebrate your healthy body!

I have so much to be grateful for, you know it could always be worse. Nevertheless all these “little” things add up and take a tremendous toll.  I want to do so much!!! I find it hard to accept my limitations.  I get frustrated very easily and I get mad that I can’t hike in the woods, dance, swim like I used too, walk on the beach, go in the ocean.

I’ve heard a million times that God doesn’t give you anything he thinks you can’t handle. I believe that. I know people who would not be able to handle this and many other trials and tribulations. But I also argue with myself, that there are millions of people who can’t handle what they’re dealt and thats why there’s drug addiction, alcoholism and suicide. Life is hard and there are so many factors as to why and what happens to us. Some we can control and others we can’t.  Life is surely a roll of the dice.