What a “Crick” in the Neck

Wouldn’t you know, since my post of June 5, “I’m Very Healthy I Just Have MS,” I haven’t been feeling good. Every few years a get a stiff neck, (what I call a “crick“). It stays for a week or so and the only way it goes away is by taking Valium. It started last week and it was more debilitating then ever before. It was on my right side, couldn’t turn my head or lift my arms. There was more pain laying down with it spreading into my head and down my arm. I was up for 2 nights with constant throbbing pain.

The first week I dealt with it in my usual way. This will just go away on its own. I took an Aleve, which did nothing so the next day I took 800 mg. of Ibuprofen that I had left from something previous, (it was only expired a year). That did nothing. Then I tried a leftover Hydrocodone, (also expired) and that did nothing either. At this point I decided to go to the doctor.

My doctor, (primary physician) wasn’t available so I had to see someone new. He put me on a week dose of steroids and Valium at night. Told me to check in a week later. I am still in pain. Over the weekend the pain shifted from my right side to my left and on Tuesday it settled at the base of my neck. I called doctor and after waiting a day told me to take Advil and Aleve and call again next week. How nice is that.

So here I am with the “crick” in the back of my neck, just throbbing away. I am able to lift my arms and thanks to the Valium I can sleep. We’re leaving tomorrow for NY, for my grandson’s high school graduation and I’ll just have to live with it.