I had my yearly physical yesterday. I was looking forward to it for two reasons; I got to actually see the doctor, and I’m having a lot of physical problems I need to discuss. First thing was recording my weight, 147 lbs, I thought I gained but she said I was down 2 lbs. from July, then blood pressure 128/82, good. My concerns were a cough I’ve been having only at night. Next of course, my weight gain, (looking for any excuse that isn’t my fault). I wanted to know why at any sign of heat do my feet swell up like balloons. I’ve been tired more than usual and lack of motivation. I had more questions about my bladder and lastly, I still have the crick in my neck, that is very painful.
The cough she said could be acid reflux, that once I lay down, it comes out as a dry cough. She prescribed medicine that I have yet to pick up. I also shouldn’t eat past 7 pm, (that would also help with my weight). On that note, nothing physical is causing my weight gain, just me, as I figured. My feet swell because I don’t walk enough to build up the muscle in my ankles which wouldn’t happen if I was able to walk normally, (my word not hers). I asked if it was age or MS, unfortunately she said it was age. For the crick in my neck she wrote a Rx for physical therapy which I won’t do. My blood work showed everything okay but my cholesterol. It is way up there, on the verge of having to take medication.
I was also concerned about peeing. I have to go, go go and then nothing, or I tinkle a little and can’t go anymore. Five minutes later I have to go again. I take Trospium Chloride ER caps 60 mg., which are supposed to help but aren’t. She wanted a urine sample to see if I had an infection, which after 20 minutes I couldn’t go. Depending on the results, she would send me to a urologist, (which she does every year and I don’t go). This time I will go.
I left with an Rx to have my yearly mammogram. She wanted to do a follow up in two months, of course she wasn’t available and I’m back to seeing the nurse practitioner. I guess I won’t see her until next years physical.