I like to make lists, of everything. There are lists of things to do, which keep me focused and make me more inclined to accomplish what is on those lists. For me to pick up the phone and call a friend, relative, anyone at all, I have to put it on my list of things to do.
Then there are lists that are quite useless and stay in my mind, because I feel ridiculous if I wrote them down. These include; how many famous guest stars appear in all the episodes of “Friends”; How many men I’ve had sex with; How many times in a day that I talk to myself.
Counting: Again I count everything. When I stop for a red light, only if I catch it at the time it changes, I will count the cars that have the green light to see how many cars can get through before it turns again. I think I do this to pass the time, whatever, it is a habit I practice daily. I count how many different car brands I see, Toyota, Nissan, Chevy’s, Jeep, etc. to try to come to a conclusion of what maker is most popular at any given time. There is no conclusion, I just like to count. If I wake up at 7 am I count the seconds using my typing fingers, another habit. When I fast forward a show I count how many commercials I am missing. The list goes on and on…….. get it?