My Struggle with Standing Tall

I am constantly aware of the struggle I have with standing up straight. Most of my day at home is spent either sitting or walking around with my walker. This has contributed to my forward leaning self. When I am standing, doing laundry, washing dishes, cooking, counting out my daily pills, making coffee, etc., my posture instinctively falls, my back and stomach cave and before I know it I am leaning down, elbows on the counter, without even realizing it.

When I do see yet again, I’m down, I snap to attention and straighten up. I find it very hard and really have to concentrate on staying erect before I cave in again. I know my core is very weak, (probably contributing to my belly fat). There are certainly exercises that I can do to strengthen my core, yet I don’t do them.

Does that mean I can’t reveal my denial to put in the work to correct this problem that bothers me? Probably, but here I am letting everyone know yet again, more weakness of my character and dedication to staying healthy.

When I find myself hunched over, I sing Bob Marley’s, “Get up, Stand up, for your Rights” or call myself

The Leaning Tower of Barb